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Stay at home mommy of two beautiful girls. Wife to a handsome, hard working husband.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

29 Weeks

Uh oh...looks like I'll have to get a little more creative with the sign placement!

I also liked this one because I think her facial expression shows her real opinion of taking these weekly pictures.  Don't worry, Emery.  Only 23 left to go!

We met with a specialist on Monday to discuss the flatness of E's head. We also had a scan done by an orthodist to get a better look at the shape.  The specialist has recommended we do about 4 months of helmet therapy, but she said it is purely cosmetic and up to us.  We aren't sure what we're going to do yet, but we have a few weeks to think about it while they try to get our insurance to cover it.

I've known the swing needed to be put away for some time now, but E still really likes it, so I've been holding off.  She's a smidge too big for it though!

This is how I found E the other day when I went to get her from her nap.  Though she started rolling back to front 3 months ago, until then, she had never done it in the crib!  I thought this new discovery might cost us some sleep, but she hasn't done it again.

I know it's probably a shock, but I'm into bows.  I think they are really cute, but they also help me keep E's wild hair somewhat under control.  I'm also cheap, and bows can get expensive.  If you need cheap bows, headbands, flower clips, etc., Hobby Lobby is the place to go!  The prices are reasonable to begin with, but they regularly put out 40% off coupons online and in the newspaper which make the bows a steal.

E had a playdate this week with her friend JP, and new friends, sweet Abby and little bitty Luke.  I'm glad I took a picture before we left because all the babies were tired and playtime ended shortly after it started!


These two pictures both show off E's teeth.  I'm pretty sure we have some more teeth working their way in, and I hope they hurry up!

I have some cute 9 month outfits with pants, so when the temperatures dipped into the 90s (haha), I took the opportunity to put her in one before she outgrows them.

Saturday night, we dropped E off at Grandma and Grandpa K's house and went to dinner at a fancy steak house.  It was nice to get out alone (it was our first dinner out without her), but we missed her!

We went out to lunch today after church and decided to put E in a restaurant high chair for the first time.  We've been nervous to try this out because she does so well in her carrier, but she'll be moving to a big girl car seat soon, so we have to get her used to it.  She did great, and the suction cup toy earned it's keep once again!

I'll leave you with a picture of the cutest baby booty in town.  Hope you all have a safe and happy Labor Day!

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